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GATHER       GROW       GO



VBS 2024

The children and their families had a great week!  Thank you for your support of this ministry! 


Their offering for the Garrison Pool Splash Pad Project raised $ 

Please NOTE we are no longer live-streaming with Facebook.  Please come to this website and use the Live-Stream button on the selection bar.





Please know that the staff and council are always watching the weather forecast and have your safety in mind.  Please look for email, text messages, and social media announcements if the weather will affect our programs and worship.

Jesus loves you!



Our desire is that when you get involved at St. Paul you begin a journey of the heart, a renewal of spirit, a pause in your life as join us as we worship and grow in our faith together in the Lord our God together.  We have many ministries in which you can strengthen your faith.  Check us out and the many ways in which we minister to every age group at St. Paul


If you are interested in learning more about our congregation and becoming a member, please visit with any member of the congregation or Pastor Janis Sloka, III. Thank you for celebrating the love of Jesus Christ with us at St. Paul Lutheran Church!

Worship Services


Sunday Mornings at 9:45 AM

Live-stream available HERE

Holy Communion (1st & 3rd Sundays)


Fellowship & Treats at 10:45 AM on Sundays

Sunday School at 11:00 AM

     (During the school year)


​Any additional services will be announced on Facebook and in our newsletter.


We feel strongly that the faith formation of children and youth—just as any adult’s—develops through experience; because of this, we welcome children and youth of all ages to participate fully in worship and our programs.


As Lutherans, worship is connected with and central to everything we do—uniting us in celebration, engaging us in thoughtful dialogue, and helping us grow in faith. At the heart of our worship life is the presence of God through the word proclaimed and the sacraments—Holy Baptism and Holy Communion; this is because worship is—first and foremost—fundamentally about what God is doing in the world and in our lives, and then our response to God’s action. In the context of worship we find our response in the liturgy, which is a way of living God’s story. The liturgical texts that form the prayers we pray, the texts we say, and the songs we sing find their roots in both the Old and New Testaments; furthermore, these liturgical texts invite each and every one of us—not just the pastor or choir or any other worship leader—to use our voices to praise God. Through worship we are shaped to be participants in God’s life in this world.

Our Mission


As we share the gospel of Jesus Christ, our mission is: 
to GATHER as God's people; to GROW in faith, love and service;
and to GO into the community and world as disciples of Jesus.

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